Physiolgic Testing
Lactate Test
The test consists of exercising at a progressively harder workload and taking blood samples during each stage. The subject's heart rate is also monitored to determine training zones after the test. Blood samples are taken by a finger prick and placed in a machine that analyzes the blood and gives a reading that tells the amount of lactic acid present in the sample. This measurement is used to determine the amount of exertion the body is under and how your physiology is responding to the stress. A lactate test can be administered in multiple ways. It can be done in a lab on a treadmill, rowing machine, SkiErg, or stationary bike. It can also be done in the field on a track or hill. After the test the heart rates and lactates are correlated to provide the subject with their training zones.
Determine your training zones so you can train smarter
Tests will last approximately 1 hour
Contact us for more details
Group rates available
VO2max Test
A VO2max test consists of exercising at a progressively harder workload while wearing a mask that monitors the gases you are inhaling and exhaling. By comparing these gases a detailed analysis of how your body responds to different workloads can be completed. This can be used to determine training zones, talent identification, training deficiencies, and monitor training effect over time. A VO2max test can be administered in multiple ways. It can be done in a lab on a treadmill, rowing machine, SkiErg, or stationary bike. Our portable analyzer can also be used in the field to assess a response to specific workouts.
Determine your training zones so you can train smarter
Gain a more in depth understanding of how your body responds to training
Tests will last approximately 1 hour
Contact us for more details
Group rates available